Hello again!
I'm back with more slug and snail goodness for you from National Museum of Wales in Cardiff.
Autumn wonders: Yellow Lemon Slugs
As we rolled into September you could feel autumn starting to creep in. For me ...
Continue reading Stunning September: Tiny snails, rarities, new county records and more

August: Have snails, will travel
Back again with more mollusc related goodness. It's been a busy month, with lots of travelling and some exciting finds!
The legendary Mary Gillham
At the beginning of the month I headed off to the local records ...
Continue reading August: Have snails, will travel
Joyful July: Mollusc Madness Continues..
This month has been an exciting one full of mollusc madness, with lots of time out and about in the field. I’ve now managed to complete sampling in two of my three Living Landscape areas, messed around in a boat, used a giant ...
Continue reading Joyful July: Mollusc Madness Continues..
Molluscs with a helping of moths
Hello again from Cardiff!
It’s been a very busy month for me, with lots of exciting things happening. I’ve been spending a lot of time out and about trying to get people to appreciate molluscs… not always the easiest task ...
Continue reading Molluscs with a helping of moths
Lovely Levels, aquatic snails, amazing parasites and more…
Hello from sunny wales!
It’s been a busy and eventful couple of months full of snails, with things hotting up for the summer season. Here is your latest Mollusc update from National Museum Wales, Cardiff...
March ...
Continue reading Lovely Levels, aquatic snails, amazing parasites and more…