So I’m in the final couple of days of my Natural Talent Apprenticeship. It’s been a really good year and I’m somewhat sad it’s coming to an end, but, I have good news! Come later this month I’ll be starting work with the ...
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All go with the Ballinderry
Apologies for the lack of recent updates, it's been all go over here, but I've finally had enough time to sit down and write down what I've been doing, and if you skip to my final section, you'll learn about ...
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Sampling, swatting and training.
Spring has finally made it to Northern Ireland, this means that I’ve been busy, busy, busy! I’m just finishing my second stint with the NIEA and we’ve been out sampling invertebrates, alkalinity and diatoms throughout ...
Continue reading Sampling, swatting and training.
Ballinderry times
Hi all,
I’m writing to you from the Ballinderry Rivers Trust where I’ve been working for the last five weeks collecting and processing kick samples from around the Ballinderry and Salterstown catchments. In my time here ...
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Macroinvertebrates under the Microscope
Hi there,
It’s the Riverfly apprentice Emma again, I’ve just finished the first stint of my placement with the NIEA and am currently working away with the Ballinderry River’s Trust which so far has been really interesting ...
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