Autumn is already here, and with it, the lack of daylight. But that cannot stop us for being active and love the outdoors!
I read once that only the breavest survey during the autmn/winter, I must be one of those ...
Continue reading Is it cold alreay?

BRISC marine recording conference at FSC Millport
Biological Recording in Scotland (BRISC) offered me the opportunity to talk about my project during their annual conference! One more chance to test my skills talking in front of experts.
First time in Largs and ...
Continue reading BRISC marine recording conference at FSC Millport
Happy mermaid
Hello again!
It´s July already, can you believe it?
CoCoast training
It was such a great experience, totally recommended, to be part of the CoCoast training at Limeklins. And it was all thanks to Inner Forth ...
Continue reading Happy mermaid
June on the rocky shore
Summer is already here! And with it, so many exiting things!
First week: Phase 1 habitat survey training (TCV-Edinburgh)
The main focus of the course was to learn how to assess a habitat type using the Phase 1 survey ...
Continue reading June on the rocky shore
Fancy a tile painted with lichens?
Hello! Are you enjoying the warm weather? Fancy a walk along the beach? :)
So today I´m going to talk about a project part of my traineeship.
What do you think about man-made structures on our shoreline?
Do you think ...
Continue reading Fancy a tile painted with lichens?