It’s all systems go here at the Farm Environment office. We have a lot of work lined up for the coming months, including some work on SSSIs throughout the Forth area, more SRDP applications, and some interesting projects. ...
Continue reading Islay, a summary

Liverwort Quest
Leaving the mournful song of a mistle thrush behind we began our ascent. Initially it was a forestry track, this soon became the tricky terrain of clear-felled woodland and heather and then we were scrambling up a precipitous ...
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The old boys
Yes, don’t choke on your cornflakes, it’s me (Viv) writing a blog post at last.
So what have I been up to?
Well recently I’ve been researching an old lichen collector called James Morrison Crombie. Born near Aberdeen in ...
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Winter wonders!
I'm 5 months into my mycology apprenticeship, how the time is flying. The autumn time is often seen as the best time to find fungi , but some brilliant wood rotting fungi is around all year - have a look at some of the fallen ...
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I really do give a chough!
I have to say, being a Natural Talent apprentice is never dull! In the last fortnight I have gone from overseeing pond digging in West Lothian, to learning how to do bird surveys on the beautiful island of Islay.
Loch ...
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