They say time flies when you are having fun and I most certainly agree! As we head towards Spring I can hardly believe what I have achieved and the opportunities I have already come across in my traineeship.
I have spent a lot of time this month with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and getting a good look behind the scenes. I joined staff at a small workshop designed to help non-ecologists find, identify and record Non-Natives on our shores. Fantastic! And not only that but I joined in with Biosecurity training, learning the importance of spread prevention and what we can do to restrict Non-Natives creeping further around our coasts.
Learning indoors is useful but nothing beats getting out on the shore and having a good scavenge in the seaweed. And that’s exactly what I did! When I got the opportunity I was down at my local beach looking at shells and collecting seaweed to identify in the lab at Heriot Watt University. Some of our native seaweeds are truly beautiful.
The Marine Biological Association provided me and other TCV staff (Rebecca and Stevie pictured) the opportunity to get our hands dirty – well, cold and wet at least – with Shore Thing Training! We spent 2 days on the beautiful Isle of Cumbrae at the FSC Marine Station in Millport. Our first day was spent learning how to carry out a rocky shore survey and submit our findings! We also had fun looking for species that were Non-Native and also those that are indicators of climate change! Our second day was spent looking at and identifying creatures from the deep. The animals that live on our seabeds are truly fascinating and some look ready to give you a good nip if you aren’t careful. We took the hint and left them in the good care of the FSC staff who release them back into their habitat.
This month has been such an exciting one. I have met some amazing people and seen some of the work that goes on to protect and enhance our waters. Next month’s diary is already filling up fast but before then I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Natural Talent Exhibition on the 27th!!!