It has been a brilliant season for events let me tell you. Now that there is a small lull in calendar I can pay attention to my blog. June has been a fantastic month for engaging with the Cumbernauld community, both in ...
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Healthy hearts, healthy minds, healthy community!
News just in ...."Community spirit is alive and well in Cumbernauld"
Health/wildlife guides walks
I had though that March was busy, boy was I wrong! Looks like we (the Natural Communities Trainees) are all in the ...
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John Muir + mountain bike + seed bombs = FUN!
The title sums up whats been happening in March :)
Part of the Natural Communities Trainee-ship with The Conservation Volunteers includes training, as you probably would expect! While we all come into this position with ...
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From the river to the sky
Strangely I am not talking about the precipitation cycle, I am in fact speaking of the past months activities. As you can probably guess it has been a bedlam month getting to meet new groups, attending loads of meetings in ...
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New beginnings in an old setting
Cumbernauld Glen Dovecote
Greetings and salutations one and all, I am Tracy, one of the new Natural Communities Trainees in placement with the Scottish Wildlife Trust based in Cumbernauld. Prior to this position I was the ...
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