monday was supposed to be EM power employability however i couldnt make this as i was ill
tuesday we went to one of Chris green gym groups we got meet new people and we were cutting willow for the garden in bathgate/livingston this is the first time i had ever seen a green gym training group it was fun and easy day then we took the willow to the garden for the the green gym to grow and weave it in there garden.
wedensday we went to another one of chris projects only this time it was better it was in my hometown fife wohoooo for a change we had an easy day in benarty woods opening up access and making the woodlands look less scary and more inviting we met new people in the btcv group in fife and they got straight on with the job while me and kieran started taking down some bad boy trees with a step cut that chris showed us as we would need it for the upcoming chainsaw course we are going to be having. this was a easy day that involved opening cutting and clearing up the paths .
thursday and friday green gym training in port glasgow/greenock this was new exciting and i couldnt wait to delve right in to it aftewr me asking about green gym this fits me straight in hard work on the go keeping fit and pouring sweat nice. we arrived on thursday and a morning learning about how the programme works and whats involved ie what muscles you use compare to other fitness resumes etc.. in other words green gym is better than going to a gym but also being health and safety aware at the same time. this was great we done a fair bit in the afternoon and kept our selves warm we helped out with the locals to build there ponds and lopper down bramble bushes and collect rocks for there pond from the shore friday i couldnt make as i was ill which was depressing as i was looking forward to it.