…set, plant and nourish up trees in every corner of your ground, the labour is small, the cost is nothing. The commodity is great, your selves shall have plenty…’ John Gerard, Great Herball (1597). This really sums up for me the impact orchards can have if they are well managed and cared for. I am really looking forward to developing orchards within The National Forest and engaging with communities to get the best out of their community orchards.
The highlight of the last few days was attending a fruit tree pruning workshop, lots of learning on that day. I take photos wherever I go which makes blogging so much easier, hopefully my photos provide a good description of my last week or so!
Before I wrap up this blog I just want to share my favourite reading material so far since joining Natural Networks. The Fruit Tree handbook may not be useful to everyone but I can recommend The Urban Handbook, particularly chapter 2, Into Action and chapter 3, People and Places. Like all of the TCV (BTCV) handbooks it is jam packed full practical information.