Hello! My name is Rebecca and I am the Natural Networks trainee based at Central Scotland Green Network Trust, in Shotts near Glasgow. In a nutshell, CSGNT is a charity which aims to ensure central Scotland has a high quality green network which benefits the environment, people living in Central Scotland and contributes to the economy (there’s a lot more to it than that though, believe me, I’m still trying to get my head around it all!). I am a trainee public engagement officer so one of my main roles will be communicating with members of the public about ongoing projects, collating their ideas and opinions and keeping them up to date with what is going on.
I have always had a love for nature and the outdoors and my hobbies and interests including mountaineering, travelling and wildlife photography led me into a Zoology degree at Glasgow University. During my time at Uni, and since graduating, I have volunteered for organisations including RSPB, Hessilhead wildlife rescue centre and Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park carrying out practical conservation work as well as fulfilling public engagement roles. Volunteering gave me the opportunity to meet likeminded people and gain skills and experience while carrying out worthwhile tasks and enjoying myself.
I previously worked as an outreach science communicator at Glasgow Science Centre. I travelled to schools and communities all over Scotland delivering science based workshops, interactive exhibit sessions and performing live science shows to a wide variety of audiences. What I loved most about the job was the variety – no two days were ever the same. In the same week I could be presenting a show about the digestive system for a primary school in Orkney, science busking at a busy call centre in Glasgow, promoting healthy living with interactive exhibits at a community fun day in Dumfries and hosting a special needs school group in the science centre! It was a very rewarding job and I engaged with hundreds of people all over Scotland of many ages and from very different backgrounds (and had a lot of fun along the way!).
And now a new adventure begins… Over the next 12 months I am looking forward to making contacts in lots of different organisations and getting a better understanding of how organisation work together to achieve goals. I am also looking forward to learning more about the development and funding processes involved before anything can happen on the ground, something I’ve not been involved in before.
CSGNT have wasted no time in getting me started; I’ve got a project to lead already and training courses coming up in the next few weeks. It certainly is shaping up to a be a very busy and exciting year!