The dearest month of August for me was mostly taken up by prep, de construct and de stress from a first ever Eco Summer Scheme for Newtownabbey (possibly Northern Ireland!)
After months of calling various people for favours and advice i got down to the nitty gritty and met with the community groups again for a pre start de-brief. The scheme was part of the Building Bridges Project through International Fund for Ireland, bringing together two community ggroups from different sides of the ccommunity; Monkstown and Whiteabbey.
Each day was a different theme:
Monday – Mammal and Birds Hunt, Tuesday – Bees, bugs and mini beasts, etc. etc.
The most popular day i think was the tuesday where we had a go with the butterfly nets and bug trays, which turned out to be a beautiful day in the end! I set up my homemade moth trap the night before in my friends garden to see what could be entised in 🙂
The summer scheme was the start of many more school, youth, community workshops to follow. Following this late blog i have been mostly working on setting up my own volunteer group here in Newtownabbey and have just applied for funding to keep it going after i go.