One of the things (amongst many) BTCV volunteers can do is construct decking. Here, you can see volunteers constructing the frame for an area of decking adjacent to the (currently under rennovation) visitor centre at Emberton Country Park, Olney.
Above: Hard at work (or in some cases in deep discussion about) constructing the frame – when constructing we spend quite some time measuring and discussing what we are doing as we wouldn’t want to make any mistakes! This structure is made from sleepers.
Above: Shov-holers (left) and trencing spades (right) are the right tools for the job. Luckily, this area is covered in sand making digging holes a doddle.
If you have volunteered for BTCV for any length of time, you WILL have dug a few holes in your time! BTCV’s all time hole digging record must be astronomical and BTCV Bedfordshire have dug more than their fair share of these in the (nearly) 20 years they have been improving the environment and/or peoples access to it.
Above & Below: The play areas in Milton Keynes are full of interesting designs (ordinary sand pits just don’t cut the mustard). Here you can see kids (aka BTCV Volunteers) move gravel around the play area and one of the volunteers using the digger to dig his sand pit!
Methinks a bigger bucket is needed!