We’re having a winter and so is the garden! Like the troopers they are, volunteers have been coming out regardless of the weather. We’re fed the birds by stocking up the bird feeders and logged all the birds we’ve seen as part of a biorecording walk simply to keep us all warm. We were given some hardy Scottish wildflowers put them in the ground on a rare sunny thawed morning – while it snowed! After a short contract, our longstanding volunteer, James, rejoined the group in cold January. Tasks so far have been to extend our compost bin, plant up gaps in the willow, sown some wildflower meadow seeds to attract wildlife to the garden, dig in leaf mould to the growing plots as well as having planted some onions and garlic. Seed potatoes have been collected from the Linlithgow Allotment Potato Day and will go in the ground in the next few weeks.
We made a very beautiful discovery in the garden last week, some scarlet elf cap fungus.
The garden is slowly starting to waken up. We’ve had three new volunteers to the garden already this year. 2015 is going to be a good year…