On Monday and Thursday this week, you would have found TCV Glasgow beavering away building dams on Low Moss peat bog. The task was to cut pine saplings on site, and use them to dam up the drainage channels on the edge of the bog, thus helping to retain moisture in the bog. It has to be said, on day 1 this seemed an entirely redundant task, as we squelched around in an ever-deepening quagmire, with the rain pummelling us relentlessly from leaden skies. Only three volunteers showed up that morning (not surprising, given the downpour) but they worked like troupers and kept smiling, despite the wettest day I have ever experienced since starting with TCV in January. Well done, guys!
Thursday was a completely different story – a platoon of volunteers turned out, the skies cleared, and the sun shone. We worked in steamy, jungle-style heat and even had a mini-barbeque and Cornettos at lunchtime, as well as snacking on the blaeberries growing on the bog.