So we’re halfway through our 10 weeks at West Wemyss and the pace has definitely picked up. We’ve had lots of enthusiastic volunteers which has been great. They’ve now all but finished the cobbling in front of the mural and it looks fab. Just a tiny few final finishing touches to go (including raking around the huge pile of gravel the volunteers enthusiastically barrowed along this week!). Last week we had a minibus of children arrive from Kirkcaldy YMCA which sent me into a tizz. I had written it in my diary but I had forgotten to look in my diary, oops! Still, we had fun with some environmental art on the beach (a halloween theme of a pumpkin and a bat) and a wildlife game, so we were able to send them off fairly excitable and wound up. Job done.
This week we started clearing some of the vegetation from the patch of woodland next to the cobbles, and we have bags of bulbs to plant once that area is ready. Some of the volunteers found a patch of rhoddy which they happily piled into and decimated, and a couple of dead trees have come down, which we will hopefully be able to use when we create the new woodland walk. The weather in the last 5 weeks has been beautiful. It’s been lovely working beside the sea with great views across to Edinburgh, working in a pretty patch of woodland with the historic pit buildings and some impressive sandstone cliffs. You couldn’t ask for much more. I’m just waiting for the first miserable day of wind and rain to find out which of our volunteers are really hardcore!