So. This is my first blog as the new VO at Edinburgh. Enjoy the adventue…………..
Well it was promising to be an extremely hot day last thursday (which it was!) when we arrived at Inverleith after taking a scenic tour through the New Town.
The day’s tasks were to build a retaining wall round the ‘hard-standing area’, to attempt to fill in and level-off the standing area and to create compost bins. This proved extremely difficult as the site is very small and those who were filling in the standing area kept knocking soil down on to the wall site!
Those making the mortar/cement for the wall were left puzzling over what Myke meant when he said ‘porridge consistancy’, as with much argument it was debated whether he mean the English or Scottish variety. Eventually when 2 sides of wall were completed, it was agreed that actually a third side would help…so we’ll be back next week I think……
For the compost bins, this meant digging down some 30, 40 (or was it 50?) centimetres to put the posts in and make sure they were all square. or nearly square. or at least in the ground somewhere.
Highlight of the day was driving back through Inverleith Park and getting stuck behind a small girl on her bike, who then turned round and screamed when she saw the BTCV van…yes….we have that effect on people…..
To view photos of past and present project and our volunteers in action please click here