So this week we were back at Donkey Field Orchard, over in Brunstane.
We had a bit of a wet start to the week, with a spot of rain on the Tuesday, but we are never put off by getting a bit wet and our fantastic volunteers took it in good humour. We really managed to make a good dent in the digging, so we were really well set up for the rest of the week.
Luckily, on the Wednesday and Thursday it became lovely and warm for us, so we really had a chance to crack on without a worry, except for the vegetarians, who had a little more fly in their diet than they would have liked. We proved our problem solving skills after this by suggesting the swallowing of a spider (and then a bird to catch the spider) but sadly there were none available.
We managed to get really far with the digging, and on Thursday we even managed to get some edging down!
The blisters were plentiful, with a few painful hands for the more enthusiastic people, although interestingly enough none of those blisters were on the hands of your lovely VO’s. I wonder what that says about us?
All in all this week really worked out our back muscles, and got the endorphins flowing, so left us all fit and happy.
To view photos of past and present project and our volunteers in action please click here