Well this week has been a lot of hard work, but it was worth it.
Tuesday we were at Colinton Primary School again, and managed to get the whole path finished! It was a fairly exhausting day shovelling whin dust but it was lovely to see that bit get finished.
Wednesday we got to meet all the Countryside Rangers at the River Almond. The Rangers were having a group day out and so we split ourselves between the four of them to do some work on the steps, build a handrail and pull down a nasty barbed wire fence. The steps went quickly enough, but then we lost Chris, Simon and Alan for the rest of the day trying to get the handrail done. Apparently it was rather tricky as there was not a single straight line in the whole thing. We all got to show off our strength with the barbed wire fencing when we ripped it out of the ground, which was a lot of fun. There was also a rather lovely pub which did excellent lasagne right next to the river for lunch. All in all a rather fun day.
Thursday on the other hand was not quite as fun, mainly because it rained consistently and heavily for the morning. We were back at Colinton Primary School this time laying some turf, which we had to give up on as the soil was too waterlogged to compact properly. We also got to dig a drainage ditch… underwater. On the other hand this did at least show us that it was working properly, it drained the water away from the play area beautifully. In the afternoon the weather cheered up a lot and we all got a chance to dry out a bit. This made it much easier to lay the topsoil in the area that will contain the water feature and a lawn. We are all looking forward to see how that turns out.
So, as summer draws to a close we are getting lots more of the wet weather, but its still all go!
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