At the beginning of spring, in the spirit of optimism, we planted seeds for many crops for our wonderful organic allotment. To our delight, many of these crops appeared to germinate. So far, so good…
Come sowing time, we transplanted them to the allotment with military precision – this is an allotment, you may remember, that was planned in cyberspace using companion planting and crop rotation. Seed beds were weeded, crops were labelled and all was good. We prayed to the sun Gods (no problem in Aberdeen for the rain Gods) and waited.
On Monday the Green Gym returned to the allotment to harvest the fruits of our labour. This proved rather difficult as many weeds had achieved triffid status in our absence and the labelling of each bed had disappeared or been mixed up (I think the allotment gremlins were having a laugh at our expense). Trying to decide what crop was where looked like it might be the subject of an “answers on a postcard” competition.
However, we set to work to remove the weeds (no mean task), and soon, like the city of Atlantis, beneath the ruins we discovered our harvest. We found lettuce galore, rocket (is that a sort of lettuce?), and lollo rosso (is that a fancy lettuce?). I know it’s easy to grow, but surely we didn’t plant THAT much lettuce. We also found some monster radishes (does that go with lettuce) and a burdgeoning bumper crop of strawberries (quite sure that has nothing to do with lettuce, unless you are very strange).
Thanks to everyone who helped restore order to the allotment, including my other half who was dragged out after work. We look forward to discovering more organic delights in the near future (I have a feeling there may be more lettuce lurking under there somewhere).