Hi everyone,
what a beautiful day to restart the Green Gym – dry, sunny (although typically Baltic for Aberdeen), and full of promise for the BTCV volunteers.
Today we began a drystone wall repair project at the Grandhome Estate, home of the Aberdeen Office, under the guidance of leader Yvonne and Jedi Drystone Wall Master, Pete (hereafter to be known as Yoda). It was a day of exercising (or discovering) the muscles latent from a long christmas break.
Glad to report we made excellent progress (aided by copious amounts of coffee and choccie biscuits) and are aiming to drystone wall all of Scotland – well, maybe Grandhome Estate.
A big welcome to new volunteer, Joe, who was undaunted by the task in hand (and Rose’s driving). Well I’m off home for a bath (and a G&T) and looking forward to our project at Fowlsheugh tomorrow. It’s great to be back on the chain gang,