The only remedy to the knee-knockingly cold temperature of winter here is keeping active, and that is certainly what the Green Gymers enjoy most. As well as path work, we have been cutting up trees, felled by the SWT team, creating habitats. These will provide shelter from weather, predators and provide temporary cover for ground-nesting birds, hedgehogs and other small creatures. To encourage and support a diverse bird population we have also been making bird feeders, and loading them with a fat, seed and oat mixture; as part of working towards the John Muir award.
STV paid Jupiter a visit, interviewing Stephen Owen the SWT ranger and featured some fat feeders made by the Green Gym!! Stephen explains the importance of helping wildlife through the winter and shows one of the hedgehog habitats he has constructed. You can see the television spot here (I do not know how long the video will remain online, so hurry!).
And finally, next week is my last at Jupiter, it has been a great three months and I plan to return now and then to see Jupiter in different seasons, and of course visit Nancy and Stephen. This will also mean my last encounter with the Green Gymers next week who have been great fun, friendly and a highlight of volunteering here.