Last Tuesday we were up on the Pentlands. We were putting a path in from the car park at Hillend. We put a short section of path in a couple of years ago, but the top of that bit was getting very wet and muddy so we went to extend it further up the hill.
We were joined in the morning by another group of volunteers from Penicuik. They helped by barrowing loads of hard core up the hill to where we were digging out turf. The ground was saturated when we arrived, and as it rained for most of the afternoon we got really wet and muddy. The mud was the colour and consistency of melted chocolate, but probably didn’t taste quite the same…
In the end, despite the rain, we completed the task and made 20m of new path. We also had to put a drain in, as the new path was getting under water as the rain got heavier. The drain seemed to do the trick, and the path should be there for many years to come.