Hello all, another week gone at Edinburgh and another VO bites the dust, this is Rachels last blog before moving on to pastures new and I'm sure at the end of it will be some moving and poignant words of farewell. But we'll ...
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Corbett Centre garden
Again the industrious Merkinch Green Gym are far from beating about the bush clearing a very overgrown garden at the Corbett Centre, Inverness.
John, James and Ivor skillfully prune the most unruly shrub.
Our ...
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Suntrapped and composted
Tuesday 17th May
Tuesday brought us to the Suntrap garden just behind the RBoS offices at Gogarburn on the west side of the city. This was a sparkling little gem of a garden hidden down a dusty old back-road, which was ...
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REAL Project Veg patch
The Merkinch (Inverness) Green Gym had a fruitful/vegful day preparing ground and planting out seedlings at the REAL allotment site at Inverness High School.
Morag was very grateful of the hard work raking the ground, ...
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Maryburgh Community Garden
The community garden was in a bit of a state before Dingwall Green Gym started to get to work on it. The despite the train runing very close to the garden it is a very sheltered spot next to the old toll house over the River ...
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