Today, thanks to the lovely wonderful Edinburgh Rangers, Team TCV got the opportunity to take part in a wattle weaving workshop. The job was to create a hazel weave fence around the walled garden project at the Hermitage, to ...
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All Hands on Deck!
...Yes, that was possibly the worst title for a blog ever
This week, the brave adventurers of TCV headed off to the WHALE centre. I was slightly disappointed to find that this stood for Wester Hailes Arts for Leasure and ...
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Ness Glen Trail Construction, Dalmellington, East Ayrshire
The Conservation Team spent many midge filled days widening the path for all walkers alike.
"This path runs on the west side of the gorge above the cliffs. It is a short yet impressive path with a taste of woodland, ...
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I’ll have a Bee please, Bob.
Following on from last week's soggy bloggy, I'm sorry to say the Glasgow midweek group intrepidly endured another soaking, midgified day on Commonhead Moss on Monday, hacking away at the seeming endless sea of birch saplings ...
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This is the Wednesday that Was
Hello, and welcome to another exciting day in the life of TCV Edinburgh! In this case, the day in question is Wednesday- I’m sure Tuesday and Thursday were equally fun, interesting and worthy of a blog post, I just don’t ...
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