The Midweek Group spent 20-23 August working on path and pond creation in the Sense and Sensitivities sensory garden at Auchinstarry Marina. The gardens features stone, ceramic and willow sculptures, as well as plants ...
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Balsam and Broom on the Braes
Thursday 10th August was a rare sunny day this summer, and we were lucky to be spending it up on the Cathkin Braes to the south of Glasgow. Blue skies and stunning views out over the city towards the Highlands, and a variety ...
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Due to gallivanting about on holiday for a large chunk of August, I'm now having to do a month's worth of blogs all in one go - no such thing as a free lunch. Here goes!
Thursday 2ndĀ August saw the Glasgow Midweek Group at ...
Continue reading Excavations!
Howden is back with the blogging!
Howdy y'all, it HAS been a while! As we took refuge in the van from thunder & lightning we had tea and contemplated the labyrinth we're digging out and the meaning of life etc. With the warm wet weather we've had this ...
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Beds and Barrows
This week, Team TCV headed off to a nursery school err...somewhere. Unfortunately, small children terrify me and made me completely forget where it was we went. Someplace in Gilmerton, maybe? And, as a result of my ...
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