So this Tuesday we were once again walking the woods of Dunbar creating more habitat piles, thankfully all the ponds were created last week leading to some very relieved VO's (just me really) and some even more ...
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If you go down to the woods today…
Tuesday - Farewell to an old friend
Potentially the last day's work at Polkemmet Country Park, spent clearing rhododendron (some must have grown insanely quickly since last Thursday).
Wednesday - Beecraigs is the new ...
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Life in the sticks
Hello All!
And so to another week at BTCV Edinburgh. On Tuesday we were out for a walk in the woods (Dunbar) adding to the towering habitat piles that now dot the landscape. A small amount of attention was given to the ...
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January sunshine
We were out at Polkemmet for a short day, beautiful blue sky but very cold. The morning was spent round the back of the visitor centre. clearing conifer and holly branches away from around a small building. After ...
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Volunteering On Ice!
This Thursday we were back at Polkemmet Country Park doing more vegetation clearance from the central islands in the car park. Progress was hampered by the recent weather turning the car park into an ice rink meaning we were ...
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