Cammo on tuesday was a fine challenging task for the group, involving replacing 7 risers that were rotten on the long set of steps stretching up from the bridge in the gully. The bridge needed a new ...
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Granton and Goodbyes
Tuesday saw work continuing at Granton Primary School under Rob's direction......
Wednesday saw grey rain being thrown down at our quiet crew for most for the day, turning ...
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An informative week
Today we were at sunny Blackford Hill... to yet again work under a canopy of trees... The tasks involved putting in two small information signs and attempting to clear a large section of path that had been ...
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Balsam and Butterdean Bogs
Tuesday was spent at the Hermitage; installing a new information board for the ice house and Himalayan balsalm pulling! A firm favourite for all!
The group split into two, with the eager Balsalm pullers getting their ...
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A Place in the Sun…
Another busy week in Edinburgh and after last weeks floods it was an absolute scorcher!
On Tuesday we were off to Ravelston Woods for a multitude of tasks. Firstly, clearing out a disused quarry area of litter of varying ...
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