Work began last week on a large 6 week project at the Royal Edinburgh Greenbank ward. The high dependency housing at the Hospital is being completely refurbished and with that comes the creation of some new gardens for the ...
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Ponds, benches and planting at St. Johns Roman Catholic Primary School
Thursday of last week saw the mid week volunteers out at St. Johns Roman Catholic Primary School to help them develop their gardens.
This first of all involved re-profiling their original pond and ensuring that the liner ...
Continue reading Ponds, benches and planting at St. Johns Roman Catholic Primary School
Work Continues at Hailesland Early Years Centre
Wednesday's volunteer group group were out at Hailesland this week continuing work on the Centre's community gardens. Work has been ongoing here for several months with new tasks popping up as the weeks progress.
This ...
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Buddleia Pruning at Craigmillar Jubilee Park
The first day of October saw the Mid week volunteers at Craigmillar Jubilee Park with the task of clearing back and pruning a large stretch of Buddleia which had overgrown next to the woodland paths.
It was a large task ...
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Odd jobs galore at Burdiehouse
Thursday the 19th saw the mid-week volunteers at Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park. One of Edinburgh's Rangers was on hand to lead the group through this very wet and windy day!
A series of odd jobs and tasks was the plan for ...
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