Lynebank 31.01.2012
The silky golden rays of our Earths sun danced towards Scotland with all the hope any new day can bring. Luckily the pasty team of BTCV Fife were protected by a mile thick carpet of broody grey clouds. Coupled with the icy Scottish winds the team were in conditions they were anatomically built to cope with and had evolved to thrive in. Despite a local hideous crime wave that had left the BTCV mobile a crippled shadow of its former self the team could and would not be set back. These boys would crawl to a conservation site if they had to. Luckily they didn’t. Chief Senior President and leader of men; David, did some expert negotiating and wangled a free car out of BTCV Edinburgh. Conservation was back on the cards.
A swift warm up left the team nimble and ready to rock. These planters weren’t going to put themselves together, Ian was, and he did just that with precision of a Peregrine Falcon and grace of a Swan.
All the while, Robert, Gary and Hazel were laying down trees like it was going out of fashion. Thanks to their work Lynebank will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of an orchid.
Last, but by know means least, Douglas’s biceps eclipsed the sun as tonnes of earth were shovelled from the grave of the old planters into the glorious beacon of future planting.
Nice one guys.