The weather has truly turned into winter this week (you can see your breath inside the office), and we were back at donkey field. It didn’t look too promising in the morning, but by the time we reached the site on both Tuesday and Wednesday it had turned into a beautifully sunny, clear winter morning. The frost had settled into the valley’s shadow and we got to witness the beautiful sights of sparkling ice crystals and VO’s slipping and falling into the mud.
The edging is going really well and we are now only a few boards from the end. There were a few trials and tribulations with working out a particularly tricky last corner but it all worked out in the end and we are now on a straight run to the top.
We also got the excitement of the hardcore delivery. Tuesday we waited and waited for it to arrive, eating every scrap of biscuit in the process, until nearly half 3 when… it got postponed to the next day. Wednesday it finally did arrive and we got to see quite how big a 20 tonne pile of hardcore is. After a pause to play on it we got to work barrowing it down to the bottom of the path, where it was laid ready to be raked out into shape next week.
So, it was a really productive week where we got see meet a few new faces, see a few old faces again and drink lots of tea.
To view photos of past and present project and our volunteers in action please click here