Last week was very varied with lots of different tasks to do.
On Tuesday, although the weather was horrible, we did hard work repearing the footpath on Craigmillar Castle park. At the same time, we did the prunning of the trees around the path.
On wednesday we went back to Craigmillar Castle park, but this time the tasks were different. We painted a picnic bench, we dug drainage ditches and we pruned some trees close to the path.
On Thursday we were in the North Edinburgh cycle path, doing vegetation clearance after the meadow had been cut.
This week there was an extra day, Friday we entered a team into the wester hailes quarry park highland games. They showed extrodinary tallent at the highland dancing, despite there not being a scot between them and came out as the winners with 9/10 points! They also took part in haggis hurling, welly wanging, tug of war and loads of other hilarious games.
To view photos of past and present project and our volunteers in action please copy and paste this link into your browser: