Weeks 9 & 10
The last two remaining sessions at Blaeberryhill were still slightly hampered by snow still lying on the ground making walking on the paths treacherous and finding dogwood to cut back a little tricky! The group came out after a refreshing 2-3 weeks holiday, to start afresh. The bones were fairly creaking during the warm-ups after a few weeks off!
We returned to the dogwood – what we could see of it! The group coped well in the below feezing conditions – hot chocolates all round.
On the last session, more dogwood was cleared (now it was slightly more visible!) and stumps tidied up, while the boys interviewed each other answering questions about their experience as part of the BTCV Green Gym. This will help with the next part of the project towards completing their John Muir Award. All photos and footage will be gathered and edited into a presentation with the help of the editing suite at the old people’s centre. The project was a great success and the snow may have dampened our feet but certainly not our spirits. The group were a great group to work with and can’t wait to see what they come up with using their footage and photos – thanks everyone!