We had three very different projects this week. We started the week with some willow weaving at Simpson Primary School in Bathgate. The kids seemed pretty excited and intrigued by what we were doing. We built a den with 2 curvy, flared, sinusoidal tunnels coming off it in the nursery playground. Possibly our best willow structure yet.
We were at the Rocheid Path (again) on Wednesday putting in the final few sleepers and doing some path clearing and laying whindust. There’s a few bits to finish off so we’ll probably be back there soon (again again) but it’s all looking pretty fantastic.
It was on with the waders and pink rubber gloves on Thursday for a spot of fishing in Lochend Park. We didn’t catch any actual fish, but we did get tyres, mountain bikes, fencing, a space hopper and a laptop. The waders didn’t leak (hurrah!) but most of us still got pretty wet (boo).