From Friday 13th November, volunteers from all over the country joined local residential leaders on a Natural Break. Basically, they paid for their food and accomodation, stayed the weekend and did some hedgelaying for us. Some of them know BTCV well, either through volunteering or Natural Breaks, whilst others were new to BTCV.
Also joining us on the project were local volunteers who went to home sweet home after helping out.
The Forest of Marston Vale are the landowners and are creating a community forest within the Marston Vale. Rectory Farm is also covered in ancient (pre-enclosure) and species rich hedgerows.
In September of last year, BTCV applied to GrantScape for some funding to deliver a hedgelaying project at Rectory Farm to improve biodiversty and were sucessful. GrantScape are funding BTCV to lay a total of 430 metres of hedge on two different hedges on the site.
Above: Kelly Kettles (or storm kettles) are essential bits of the kit. Volunteers soon complain if there isn’t any hot water for tea or coffee! Here they are trying out new kettles (complete with cork). Please note that whilst boiling the kettle, you should leave the cork out! Pressure is created when the cork is left in causing it to shoot out along with plenty of hot/scolding water and you don’t want to be near the kettle when that happens!
Above: Phil (right) is a former volunteer, Volunteer Officer, Leader, a current client and Residential Leader. Hedgelaying being one of his skills, Phil shows volunteers how to lay a hedge. A fine example of a layed tree is at his feet.
Above: Clearly proud of their achievements!
All in all, on this weekend, 18 volunteers were involved. Many thanks to all involved.