Cowslip Meadow is a well hidden nature reserve of near SSSI quality. It is a fantastically diverse habitat and Great Crested Newts, Water Voles and Marsh Orchids are to be found there. The willowherb that we were there to remove, is invasive and outcompetes other, more valuable plants such as meadowsweet. We also removed some ragwort from the site.
Above: The plants with the pink flowers is willowherb.
Above: The area around the pond/stream/marsh was thick with willowherb. After a little work was done round the edges, you can begin to see the features and other plants.
Above: In the foreground, the yellow flowers are Ragwort which the team removed. In the background is where, earlier on in the year, Marsh Orchids are to be seen.
Above: The willowherb root system!!
Above: Other parts of the site are chalk grassland.